Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I wanted to give an update on what is going on with our family right now. I figured I would grab some attention with the title but sorry it is not us... Gracie is expecting puppies!! This will be her third litter. She has pretty big litters and we always have something that we need to pay for. Our plans this time are to spend the money on new flooring and then a swing set for Kinnick. We are expecting them to arrive within the next two weeks so I will be posting pics soon.
Kinnick is growing growing growing. He recently had his first real cold and I felt bad for my little man. I took him to the doctor but of course he didn't even cough once in front of them but he did a good job smiling at everyone. He was really congested so I used some Baby Vicks which seemed to help. The Baby Vicks didn't have such an overwhelming smell as the regular Vicks.
KJ is also pulling himself up on everything and has been for almost a month now. He also loves to crawl in and out of my side tables beside the couch.

I have learned that he is afraid of the vacum. His new food of choice is popsicles and anything that we are eating he wants. Still no teeth and not much hair either but the hair is growing.

Today we went to the pool for the first time. When we left fort dodge the sun was out and the humidity was high making it feel even hotter but by the time we got to the pool it was cloudy and cool. Kinnick didn't seem to mind but we didn't stay long. I look forward to all the pool opportunities to come.

In July we plan to take a family vacation to the Wisconsin Dells. Progress is coming on the basement and Aaron almost has drywall up on all the walls. We added a second bedroom to the basement so we now have a total of 5 bedrooms. We are debating on putting a closet in that bedroom or not. There is not a great place to put the closet and for now it will be a play room and later a spare bedroom. For both of these functions a closet is not really needed but we haven't decided yet. I know I know..... think of the resale but we love our home and we are doing it for us not for who could potentially purchase our home 10+ years from now. I also decided to extend the wood flooring into Kinnick's room for two reasons. One reason is that whenever the dogs have an accident it seems to be in that room...grrr...Second reason being that when we are done using it as a nursery we may use it as an office.
I will be beginning my bachelors degree at the end of the month. I just signed up for 2 undergrad classes and then once I am done with those I will get into the core nursing classes. I chose to do my bachelors through Graceland University. They seem to be the most affordable and I am able to do everything online. You also only take two courses at a time. Some courses are 8 weeks long and some are 16 weeks.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

6 month Appt

Kinnick had his 6 month appt on Monday and I can't believe how big he is getting. Dr. Kelli Wallace was home with sick kids so we saw her husband Dr. Lincoln Wallace instead. He said Kinnick was a very healthy specimen:) He is in the 58th percentile for weight at 17 lbs and 13 oz. He is very sturdy! Dr. Wallace told us that we can pretty much give him anything now that he has hit the 6 month mark so we went to Target and bought snacks right away. He does a pretty good job picking up the little puffs but then they stick to his hand so he has a hard time getting them into his mouth.

His new accomplishment is army crawling for a couple weeks now and is beginning to get into everything. When we were at grandma's over the weekend he even managed to knock over one of her plants and when I found him he had leaves in his mouth. Aaron's parents say it is only a glimpse of what is to come because Aaron was a very busy little boy. I am really enjoying this age because I am able to do more things with him. Today we went to the park with Gracie and Kinnick enjoyed being pushed in the swing. We also went for a walk at Olson Park but Kinnick really didn't care about all the animals. It is also cute to see his relationship with the dogs. He holds his hands out for Gabby and will crawl like crazy to get at a wagging tail. Squirt is the only one that kind of avoids Kinnick but gives in occasionally.

I also wanted to mention that I am very proud of my sisters! Alisa graduated this past weekend and will be attending Morningside in Sioux City in the fall. She plans to major in Mass Communications and play softball as well. Andrea got the new at Alisa's graduation party that she is going to state for track. She throws shot put and just made the cut off. She is only a freshmen so she is super excited.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Tuesday was a fun day for our little family. Aaron's best friend Jared and his girlfriend are having a baby very soon so we have been visiting frequently. They are having a little girl and naming her Kinsley.... Kinnick & Kinsley has a pretty nice ring huh? Well anyways we left Fort Dodge before lunch and got to Boone around 1:30. We all went out to eat at a restaurant in town and the food was great. Whenever we get together Jared always helps with Kinnick a lot. So at the table he wanted the high chair to go between him and Aaron and he shared his mashed potatoes. Kinnick was in love and stared at his food the whole time.

Next we headed back to the house for a while and got all our fishing supplies ready. Jared and I had to get our fishing licenses at Wal - Mart and some worms and then we headed out. It was so windy that day that we really were not able to enjoy fishing. If you got out of your chair it would blow away. The boys caught three fish in total but we didn't bring them for supper. My kind of fishing is when you can see the fish swim to your pole and not having to fish for an hour or two before you get a bite. The wind was so strong that I never even felt a tug on the line at all but I did come up short a worm.

That evening we grilled supper and Aaron had brought some Venison to share. We made the venison into patties and they turned out pretty good. We had enough food to feed the entire neighborhood. Iva started having some contractions that evening and she said they were strong enough to take her breath away. Everyone got a little nervous but we played cards to take her mind off of it. She continued to time her contractions and sometime after we left she ended up going to the hospital. She went into preterm labor at like 34 or 33 weeks and has been on bedrest until now. She is now 36 going on 37 weeks along. The hospital scared her contractions right away which was my experience as well. I recommended walking or slowly doing stairs to help induce labor.

She ended up going home which was a disappointment especially since weeks ago she was not ready at all and then now that she is Kinsley is not ready. Yesterday when I talked to her she was trying a home remedy of herbal tea to induce labor but so far no phone call:)

I should tell you that Kinnick has been eating solids for about 2 weeks and I was proud that I held out until just about 6 months to start him. We have been through peas, green beans, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, and peaches and so far no dislikes. The fruits have also been good for his digestive system and no more constipation. I also got him a big boy sippy cup and did give him some diluted juice but later found out that they don't recommend juice until 1 year so we stopped that. It is crazy to hear all the things they have changed since we grew up.

Here in Dodge things are going well. Kinnick doesn't have his 6 month appt until the 17th so I will
be anxious to find out how big he has gotten. He sits up all on his own and is starting to crawl. Right now it is more of an army crawl and he goes backwards a lot but he is sure trying. Aaron has been more stressed than normal about work and did have some opportunities arise so we are praying about where they will lead us. We have also decided to put wood floors in our living room and put new carpet in the bedrooms. I think I have finally selected the carpet that I want. It will also be going in the basement so we will probably end up needing a full roll. Thank goodness that Aaron's uncle owns a very successful flooring company in Indianapolis that can get flooring for us at an affordable price.

I did apply to a Bachelor's program to obtain my BSN but I have not heard back yet. They recommend 2 years of experience which I don't quite have but I figured since I have experience is so many different areas I might as well try. The program I chose is at Graceland University. I would have to go to Missouri for a total of 4 days but otherwise the program is all online. I will let you all know as soon as I hear.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


My baby boy has reached the five month mark! I can't believe it has been over a year since I first got pregnant. I thought I would share a few pictures and the page from his baby book.

Sleeping Patterns: Sleeps through the night, usually asleep by eight or nine and up by seven or eight. Then lays back down with mommy and can sleep as late as eleven:)

Eating Habits: Rice Cereal and formula only. Drinking 6 ounces of formula every 4 hours for a total of 24 to 30 ounces a day. Rice cereal once or twice a day. He likes solids but could care less if he got them or not.

New Foods: Oatmeal and I did buy some flavored rice cereal. Apple rice cereal and banana oatmeal

New Discoveries: Feet! He usually keeps at least one hand on his foot the whole bath time! I also wonder if he will be left handed because he always reaches for toys with his left hand first.

My accomplishments: Sitting up with the boppy for slight support. I purchased a slightly smaller bottle and he can now feed himself. Of course we drip formula all over but he is much happier being in control. He is also a wiggle worm so I am sure crawling or scooting is soon to come.

Places I went: First Easter at Great Grandma Kaufman's

Special Memories: Started sucking on his bottom lip. Also is going through the phase of wanting to be held during naps. First baseball cap, pair of shorts, and sunglasses. Loves to be in his jumperoo and loves to go for car rides. His favorite toy is a round rattle and we are on our third one since the dogs think it is also their toy.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Health Care Reform

So I have tried to familiarize myself with the new health care reform but there are still so many questions and worries that I have. As a nurse my one fear is that any time the government is in charge of something it is highly regulated. The reform says that there will opportunities for nurses but are any of the people designing this bill nurses or doctors?

I am a young nurse and this reform to me feels both needed but scary. I am sure to even politicians the change is somewhat scary. At my hospital we have went without pay raises for almost two years now because our hospital is not doing financially well. We do however provide some of the best care and have never turned a patient away regardless of their insurance status. I must say though when I have a patient it is always communicated that they are self pay. I feel that even though they are self pay that they are treated with the same respect and receive the same care as you or I would.

With government regulation on health care my main concern is time spent at the bedside. Generally when a government oversees a particular area this means more paperwork and documentation. As a nurse I am already spending a lot of time documenting so I am afraid that we will be giving up quality of care. With such high regulations will this take away from time at the bedside? At our hospital we have strived to make small changes to provide more time for our patients.

The reason I say that this reform is needed is because recently we were told that eventually physicians may choose to not accept medicare or medicaid patients because they are receiving very little in reimbursement. In this area these patients are our primary group which has put our hospital in a very hard spot. We want to provide the best care for every patient but we must have the financial status to do so.

When you go into hospitals and you see new tv's, remodeled units, and lots up upgrades it raises the question how can they possibly be struggling? The way I understand it is hospitals have seperate funds for improvements on the facilities and this money CAN NOT be used on wages. I understand that hospitals have to compete with newer and bigger facilities but I also believe that these funds should be used for wages in hard times. I would choose to have one less tv for great care but I suppose there are people out there that would choose differently.

Monday, March 22, 2010


I have noticed that my son's head as gotten increasingly flatter. In fact I think it has now hit a plateau and seems completely flat on the backside. At around 2 months I began to notice the change of shape and questioned this at his two month appt. The doctor told me it is normal and not to worry although I was and still am very self concious about his flat head. My way of dealing is to point it out to others before they get a chance to comment on how flat his head is. Some people have told me that it must of been the way he was laying in my belly but when I brought him home from the hospital his head was much rounder. At his four month appt his doctor did tell us that his head was a "little flat"....little?? to me I don't think it could get much worse! She said not to worry and that as soon as he is able to sit up on his own his head is still molding and will improve. She said it is very common and especially since most pediatricians preach back to sleep to prevent SIDS until the child is able to roll on their own. Since about two months I have tried to limit the time he has on his back and even started to let him sleep on his stomach during the night. Another reason I put him on his stomach is because he is not a good burper and usually falls asleep with his last bottle of the night and then will not burp.. I don't want him to spit up and then choke so I put him on his stomach. Other than sleeping Kinnick is not fond of being on his stomach at all. His neck is very strong but when he is on his stomach he is limited to what he can see around him. Since I am very aware of Kinnick's little flat I did research the subject...

Having a flat head is actually called Plagiocephaly and it occurs when a baby's head develops a flat spot or becomes asymmetrical due to some kind of external pressure. Babies are born with a soft, pliable skull, and when they sleep on their back every night, their head can develop a flat spot where it presses against the mattress. Starting in the early '90s, parents were told to put their babies to sleep on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. While this advice may have saved thousands of babies' lives, experts have also noted a fivefold increase in the incidence of misshapen heads since then. A baby may also develop an abnormally shaped head if development in the womb is constricted somehow. This can happen when there's more than one fetus, if the mother's uterus or pelvis is especially small, or if there's too much or too little amniotic fluid. It can also happen to a breech baby whose head gets wedged under the mother's ribs.
I have also read a couple things that are used as treated for plagiocephaly which include a helmet and special pillows. The helmet helps to reshape the babies head. Luckily Kinnick's head is not bad enough that he would need a helmet but I have considered purchasing a pillow. One article suggested buying a really soft pillow that wouldn't put pressure on the head. Although several people have said this is so common and not to worry about it.. I can not help but notice and wonder what others think. He certainly does not have a flat head because he is unloved or not held enough because we love to snuggle him and love him dearly!!

On a much better note KJ and I have found a new love... WALKS. It is so nice to get out now that the weather is warmer and the sun is shining. The first walk we went was when we went to visit my friend Kelley and her daughter Toryn. Toryn is only a month older than Kinnick but is very strong.. she is already sitting up on her own and holding her own bottle. It was neat to see them interact! When we decided to go for a walk I hadn't brough a coat so Kelley let us borrow one of Toryn's. It was cream but I am sure he will not enjoy the story as he gets older how he shared clothes with the neighbor girl. :)

Friday, March 12, 2010


Today has been a very productive day for me. I have so far made and froze six meals. I have the ingredients to do two more and then left a list for Aaron to pick up a couple things to freeze a couple more. It is so nice to pull a meal out of the freezer and just bake it. It does make for a busy day or two when you make the meals but I am often not in the mood to cook so when I am I just make several:)

I enjoy getting new recipes from the Campbell's Soup Website and usually only make things with high ratings. After I try the recipe and like it I add it to the Kaufman Family Recipes. Here is one we had for lunch today.....

Lasagna Roll Ups

1c Ricotta Cheese
1/2c pesto sauce
8 lasagna noodles
1 can prego sauce
3/4c pace picante sauce
1lb Ground Sausage (any kind... I used venison)
1 cup mozzarella cheese

Stir the ricotta and pesto together and top each noodle with the mixture. Roll up the noodle and place seam down in a shallow baking dish. Stir the Prego and Picante Sauce together and add the cooked sausage. Spread over the lasagna noodles and bake at 400 for 30 minutes. Top with Mozzarella and bake for additional 5 minutes.

Have A Great Weekend!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Exciting News

I have been anxious to share all of my exciting news..... Today our photographer called, Deanna Cathcart, and said that Webster City Medical Clinic had contacted her about running an ad i the paper for them. They chose three pictures and then they will further narrow it down to one and Kinnick's picture was chosen as one of the three! Today he had his four month appt and he was 15lbs and 26inches long. He was in the 55th percentile for weight and 86th for height. We also found two teeth poking through. I also found out that the hospital is going to be holding a cutest baby contest to help raise money for the March of Dimes so I will post a few options I am thinking of.

These are his 3 month pictures that I just got back

This is one option I am thinking of and the other is just a snap shot that I will upload later.

My sister was also cleaning out her room and came across an album of pictures of just Aaron and I so I thought I would share some of them. We were both much thinner in those days.....

These first two are from my freshman year. The first is girl's substate basketball game. The second is our first prom together

This is the black lab that I got Aaron's sister Katie while she was away at church camp. This was the first of many animals I brought to the Kaufman household.

At a basketball game I think.... Aaron's face was sooo thin

This was my sophmore year prom.... Aaron's Senior year

Junior year prom.. Aaron came back from college to go with me

This picture was in Ohio.. the first time I met his Beyeler Grandparents. This was summer of my Senior year I believe.

At BV.. I was much tanner then:)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


So Kinnick has turned four months now and I have thought about introducing baby foods. At 2 months my doctor told me to introduce rice cereal into his bottle to see if it would help him sleep. The rice worked the first night and then didn't make a difference so I stopped giving it to him. I recently reintroduced him to rice cereal and fed it to him with a spoon and all he does is scream. I have tried making it thicker, thinner, and adding juice but he just seems to dislike it. He is drinking six ounces every four hours and actually seems satisfied so I thought hold off for a little while. I talked to several friends and everyone has pretty much told me they started introducing veggies at 4 months. I also read a really interesting article in parenting magazine about the situation. The article said that even pediatricians have mixed feelings and some will tell you 4 months and other 6. It also said that when your baby starts focusing on your food and watching his parents eat that he is probably ready. Kinnick doesn't watch us eat but I decided to pick up a few baby foods today. I have heard to try veggies first and that you should start with foods that are all the same color. I do know that you introduce different veggies one a time to determine if they have food allergies. Tonight we tried squash and it was a hit. He just took a few bites and it took a little while to get the hang of it but he never cried and even opened his mouth for the spoon. He seemed very pleased with the meal and even giggled through the whole thing. I have not yet decided if I will continue feeding him baby food or hold of. Childhood obesity scares me and I know that some pediatricians feel that starting babies to young can be a contributor. He has his four month appt next week so we will see what she has to say.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Joy of Parenthood

Just a few parenting quotes I thought I would share

Parenthood isn't like fishing - every child is a keeper.

Parents are gamblers, risking their hearts to pain for a potential jackpot of joy

Leave it to a baby to turn your world upside down, take your breath away, and make you fall in love again. With his toothless grin, your baby sets your heart on fire.

Sometimes you think you can barely take care of yourself, and yet here you are holding your new baby. Someone up there must believe in you.

Parents of every nation want their children to live in a world where they can grown up safe from harm, free from oppression, and proud of their heritage. In this way, we're all alike.

Every mothers' eyes tell a story of hope, strength and pride- no matter what their color

While you can't recall what you did with your newborn all day, somehow it took every minute of your time.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Slow Down

So lately I have had several things on my mind... I truely hate the feeling of having a to do list stuck in your head.

Should we get new carpet or clean or old.

What should I put my tax money towards

I would really enjoy taking a vacation with my whole family

Going back to school or just picking up a hobby such as photography

State Basketball and when/if I should take a day off

Putting a fence up for our dogs


What I need to do today and tomorrow.....

We get so busy thinking about the things in life that sometimes I think we forget to live life.
There is always things that you have on your mind that never get done. Several times I have made good intentions but never followed through on them. I am so thankful to the people who have reached out to me and helped us at times and acted on thoughtfulness, even if it was just a prayer. I often have made spur of the moments decisions and have not often regretted them but I think that I forget that God is here to guide me through those decisions I may feel uneasy about.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Growing Like A Weed


Thought I would share some pictures of my little man. Almost 4 months old already!

Our Little Hawkeye!!

He LOVES this dumb chair... and I thought the froggy outfit was pretty cute!!

He even manages to sleep in the chair:)

Looking like a little man sitting on the couch... still not much hair

His Winter Hat

Okay he has my eye color but pretty much everything else of Daddy's

Kinnick and Grandpa Slechta when we went to visit. Grandpa took lots of pictures of his great grandson

Someday they will be the best of buddies

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Back to School??

For several weeks now I have been thinking about going back to school. I would continue to work the weekends and begin working on my bachelor's degree. In Iowa Nursing is one of the few areas that you don't get compensated for the extra two years of work. Some of the programs I have considered are University Of Phoenix, U of I, Grand View, Allen, and Graceland. I think I am most interested in Graceland because the have the fewest prerequisite courses and are also the cheapest. I have also been thinking about becomming a midwife as a long term goal. I had such an amazing experience with my midwife that I would like to offer that same experience to other moms. Today I had a check up and got to ask my midwife, Jayme, her feelings.

My first concern was that it would take me away from my family. She said that although she is pretty much on call 24/7 most facilities don't have just one midwife and you would share call time with other midwifes. Although I enjoyed that she was always on call because I knew to expect her at my delivery.

My second concern was that as of now I don't really have any OB experience besides my own. She told me she was a very nontraditional student in that fact that she went into the program with no OB experience.... I would of never guessed. Her background was in ICU and transplant patients. She said that her clinical instructors were much harder on her because she had no experience but she also learned a lot!

My third question was that in 2015 they will be requiring a doctorate instead of a masters for all nurse practitioners. She felt that it would be an extra three years beyond my bachelors instead of four. She also encouraged me to go for it and said that she thought I could get it done before then and then could be grandfathered in.

We also talked about the online midwife programs. I enjoy online courses but I don't know if I would feel prepared with an online degree. She assured me that I would be able to do at least my theory courses online and that most of my education would come from clinical experience anyways.

Lastly she encouraged me to at least get my bachelors now so that even if I wanted to wait until my kids are in school I would just have to complete the midwifery program. I still have not made a decision but I know I would love being a midwife and specializing in one area instead of knowing a little about a lot of areas.

My midwife Jayme and Kinnick

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Getting Older

I have begun to see the first signs of getting older and I am only 22!!... well I guess I have seen more signs of my hubby getting older... he will be 25 in April! The white hairs that have gotten more noticeable are also a reminder that he is not getting younger. Since we have had Kinnick I realize that we function on less sleep but I seem handle it a little better than Aaron.

I am lucky that I am able to sleep in because I work overnight but I also have a very hard time adjusting to sleeping during the night during the week. I lay in bed for hours trying to fall asleep and think about things I would like to talk to Aaron about while he is snoring beside me, of course by morning I have forgotten what it was that I wanted to talk about. I must admit that although we haven't been married long it is harder to find things to converse about. I think it is partially because our jobs have their own lingo so it is hard to talk about work, and my work is confidential so that doesn't help.

Last night we played a game with the in laws and it was fun but I seem to always be the only one that enjoys beginning a game at 11pm at night. Aaron always acts like it is such a chore... Janel and I really enjoy playing games:) After a couple short rounds of pass the popcorn I thought I would bring the cards up to our bedroom and quiz Aaron because he loves movies and it is a movie game. I got in a few cards before my response was snoring.

We used to enjoy renting movies and we still do but there is usually a large late fee for whoever rents to movie. Last time it cost me 14.00 to rent one movie! It takes us about three nights to get through an average movie because we fall asleep so when we rent something and it has to be back the next day it rarely makes it.

This Sunday was my only Sunday off this month and I wanted it to be a productive day and one we could spend together. There was a pancake breakfast in Fonda and I thought it would be nice to get breakfast before church.... I was wrong... we slept in instead. Then after church I recommended going to the mall and just looking so we could walk and take Kinnick out in the stroller....wrong again.... Sunday is nap day:) So after Aaron finishing his nap it was time for him to go play men's league basketball. Kinnick and I stayed home and when Aaron got home he made supper while I bathed Kinnick. After supper we watched our tv shows in seperate rooms because he says my shows are garbage.... I like MTV and E. So now we are getting ready to watch Surrogate... hopefully we get through it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back to Work

So still no pictures to share because still no camera... Aaron shipped it out to be warranted yesterday. This past Saturday I went back to work and although I missed Kinnick I was glad to get back into the groove. My night went well at work and I was amazed at how well Aaron did! When I got home Sunday morning he had a butter braid baking in the oven and was up getting ready to feed Kinnick. I offered to feed him so that Aaron could get back to sleep but he made sure to tell me that if I needed him to feed Kinnick just to wake him. I was so impressed how considerate he was:) He also got up and got him and KJ ready for church that morning and said all the ladies were flocking him at church:)

Sunday I slept in and that evening Aaron and I went out to eat. I worked again Monday night and since Aaron had Tuesday off he was able to watch him again. We have chosen a sitter and I couldn't be happier. One of my best friend's mom that lives here in Fort Dodge is retired so she agreed to watch him when we need her. I couldn't have found a better person because she is so flexible and super nice and seems to get along with KJ very well. We are paying here more than if we would send him to daycare but it seems worth it for him to have one on one care while he is so small. Plus she asked if she could come over to the house because she doesn't think I should have to take him out in the cold.. Bonus. It is also nice for me to not have to drag all the baby stuff over to her house but there will be an occasional day where he goes to her house... I am sure it will be nice for her to get some things done at home.

Also I love the change of seasons because it is such a great time to shop. Although it looks like winter is far from being over the stores are putting their spring clothing out. Tonight I was so excited because I found 4 pairs of pants, 2 long sleeve shirts and a sweater at target for a total of 20.00 for KJ next winter. The most expensive single item was 3.50! One pair of pants was a little Osh Gosh pair of dark jeans.... sooo cute! Also Younkers has such cute stuff on their yellow dot sales. That is one nice thing about living close to a mall.

Hope to have new pictures soon!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Dedication

Well it has been a little while since I last blogged and unfortunately I don't have pictures to post because my hubby dropped the camera on new year's eve and broke the screen.

Kinnick had his two week check up last week and everything went well. He had a small movable bump at the bottom of his head and she told me it is pretty common. Her thoughts were a small cyst or possibly an enlarged lymph node. He weighed 10 lbs and 13 oz and has grown 2.5 inches since he was born. I have started him on some rice cereal in his bottle because he has not slept well. The first night was awesome and he slept 7 or 8 hours but no such luck the following nights.

This past Sunday we had baby dedication and it went very well. Not a lot of my family was able to attend because of the cold and snowy weather but we were happy that the family that was there was able to share this special day. We attend a mennonite church and they do not believe in baptism as a baby but instead they dedicate the infant to the lord. We were asked to share for the service and on a trip to Ankeny Aaron wrote this.. (minus the quote in the beginning)

"We have heard it said that, "When you want a child, you have a lot to hope for. When you have a child, you have a lot to live for." In the months before and certainly after the blessing of the birth of Kinnick James on November 3, we can relate to these words. As many of you know there are joys and fears in parenting. Our wish is for him to grow strong spiritually and as a person. Our hope as parents is that our relationship with God will continue to grow stronger. A fear we share is not having all the answers and we pray that Kinnick will turn to the Lord for guidance. We are asking the church as family and friends for support and to hold us to our word in raising Kinnick in a Godly manner. We thank the Lord for this precious gift."

When the camera gets fixed I will be sure to post some pics of Kinnick in his cute little outfit for church:)